This clip posted by Dane Wigington at is of an Airbus A340-200 dispersing aerosol ingredients over an unidentified location. It shows four busy-bee emissions nozzles aligned more or less with its engines, and a secondary dispersement emitted from possibly the tail. We are getting no less here. Chattanooga was heavily sprayed today and yesterday (Sept. 9 and 10, 2014), with Tuesday’s evening program lacing the sky with pink and red plumes whose brilliance faded as the sun set. I heard a boy at a Trail Life USA event outside gaze up and say, “Dad, look at the beautiful clouds God made.” I had not the heart to say anything, particularly as stratospheric aerosol geoengineering seems like a mouthful on such a glorious evening. — DJT
City heavily treated with high-altitude aerosol dispersals 2 days
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Have you interviewed pilots who drive the dispersant planes, the truck drivers who truck in the dispersants, the personnel who upload onto planes the dispersants, the manufacturers who make the dispersants? Have you ever witnessed a truck loading the dispersants onto an aircraft? Have you ever seen a paperwork trail of payment for the dispersants? Do you have evidence of the chemical composition of the dispersants? Have you interviewed elites in business and politics to determine what they are doing to avoid the alleged harm that accompanies these dispersants? Do you have credible evidence from first-hand sources as to what it is that is actually being engineered by these dispersants?
Indeed, these questions — to all of which I answer “no” — pry into the humdrummery that is the program itself, the tedium of the professional life in this noncommercial sector of aviation. Where are bills of lading? Are they digital or paper? Is the pilot’s signature required after each dump, and who keeps the file? Are aerosol payloads liquid or gas? Do the crews who load them wear masks? Are these military or contract personnel? If the agents contain aluminum, is Alcoa the aluminum giant involved in selling and nanoparticularizing it? Any contracts to clue us in? What sort of contracts do these people have to sign that muzzle them if tempted to talk about their work? Civil sanctions? Criminal? Is it really national security, or is it simply big industry in the day-to-day grind? Has nothing about SAG emerged in the NSA breach by Edward Snowden? If so, why the delay in doling out this revelation, seeing that it affects not the privacy of the public, but their respiratory health?
Why do Washington Post, New York Times and Wall Street Journal not delve into the purpose, cost and environmental risks of SAG? Why do eyewitness narratives seem so limited — namely to that of Kristen Meghan, purportedly a former military operative connected vaguely to chemtrail ground operations, a woman awfully young to be a former Air Force bio-environmental engineer? Why do other appearances of people ostensibly connected with the program, such as one who this week made an appearance in East Tennessee, not pass my smell test? My reference here is to a man with whom Dane Wigington has had contact — a partial interview published at lacks the gravitas and details I would expect of a man going public with inside information to contain. If I were an insider going public with evidence of a secret program focus of much speculation, the content of my statements would, I think, vary considerably from what this man offered. And I wouldn’t be making patently silly comments against Dane Wigington in an interview (saying he lacked the larger picture), seeing the portent of what I was revealing.
I’ve been a journalist all my life in the newspaper field. I await details, documents, photographs and substantive evidence of the kind implied in your questions, Dr. Hayes.
Anything further you might be able to offer me in my tracking this story?