Sinclair Sexsmith, female promoter of sexual delight outside the liberty of marriage, is the main draw at UT’s upcoming sex week. (Photo mrsexsmith.com)
By David Tulis
Your son studying at University of Tennessee is going to have rollicking occasion to unlearn the good lessons about sex from his parents and church. Is he persuaded to question ancient certainties about virility and chastity. If so, other notions about long-term capital, family life and local economy may also be in for a drubbing.
State university scholars are hosting Sex Week starting April 7, with a lesbian butch, Sinclair Sexsmith, who will receive part of the nearly F$20,000 in student fee revenue allocated to the program. Miss Sexsmith specializes in sexual bondage, lesbianism and erotica. She runs a website, Mrsexsmith.com.
Thirty events are planned, including a scavenger hunt for a golden condom, a sex talent show and an affair in drag. Speakers will hold forth on “Getting Laid,” “Sex Positivity; Queer as a Verb,” “Loud and Queer” and “How Many Licks Does It Take,” the last being about oral sex.
The program is the inspiration of UT student Brianna Rader, an elite honors student, who got the idea for the program from Yale. Miss Rader tells Fox News Miss Sexsmith will not be engaging in lesbian bondage demonstrations during her visit, but will be doing a workshop on sex poetry. “She’s also going to be talking about constructing and reconstructing gender roles in society.” The events offers something for everyone, Miss Rader says. Miss Sexsmith will show students “how to turn up the heat on our own sex drive” and how to play butch/femme and other roles.
Seedbed for prosperity: Monogamy
The work of Sex Week might seem to contradict the polity and goal of the university, which parents who pay tuitions assume is to bring knowledge, wisdom and purpose. Sexual temptation, very possibly, may be a snare to the young enrollees at the university, and so-called gender confusion may well weaken academic and intellectual purpose under the claim of liberation and sexual expression.
The value of the biblical admonitions for sexual purity are borne out by researchers who care nothing for the seventh commandment against adultery. In the 1920s scholar J.D. Unwin sought to test the notion from Sigmund Freud that civilization is a byproduct of repressed sexuality. He studied 86 societies and was shocked by the conclusions he was forced to draw. The results show a direct tie between monogamy and the “expansive energy” of civilization. Dr. Unwin sought to conduct his story amorally, without any religious or philosophical preconceptions (if such is possible). “In human records there is no instance of a society retaining its energy after a complete new generation has inherited a tradition which does not insist on pre-nuptial and post-nuptial continence.” His main work is Sex and Culture, (Oxford University Press, 1934).
Notes Philip Yancey in an essay in Christianity Today, “For Roman, Greek, Sumerian, Moorish, Babylonian, and Anglo-Saxon civilizations, Unwin had several hundred years of history to draw on. He found with no exceptions that these societies flourished during eras that valued sexual fidelity. Inevitably, sexual mores would loosen and the societies would subsequently decline, only to rise again when they returned to more rigid sexual standards.
“Unwin seemed at a loss to explain the pattern, yet it so impressed him that he proposed a special class of ‘Alpha’ citizens in Great Britain. These individuals of unusual promise would take vows of chastity before marriage and observe strict monogamy after marriage — all for the sake of the Empire, which needed their talents. Unwin died before fully developing his theory of ‘the sexual foundations of a new society,’ but the incomplete results were published in another book, Hopousia,‡ with an introduction by Aldous Huxley.”
“A society with pre-marital and post-marital license is at a dead level culturally and mentally,” says R.J. Rushdoony in his magisterial study of biblical law. “It progresses to the degree that its sexual regulations move towards a strict monogamy. In three generations the impact of a new morality is fully felt. A a result, Unwin felt, the strict rules of chastity and continence cannot be unnatural, since they are productive of the best in nature.”
No one likely to be upset
Miss Rader cannot imagine how anyone could be offended by sex week activities. No orgies or public displays of nudity are planned, “at least not as part of sex week,” she is quoted as saying.
Miss Sexsmith introduces herself on her splash page as follows: “Sinclair Sexsmith writes the award-winning personal online project Sugarbutch Chronicles: The Sex, Gender, and Relationship Adventures of a Kinky Queer Butch Top at www.sugarbutch.net. With works published in various anthologies, including Best Lesbian Erotica 2011, 2009, 2007, and 2006 collections, Sometimes She Lets Me: Best Butch/Femme Erotica, Visible: A Femmethology Volume II, Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme, and more, they are a columnist for AfterEllen, Fearless Press, and the Lambda Literary Foundation. They are the guest editor of Best Lesbian Erotica 2012, and their first full-length anthology, Say Please: Lesbian BDSM Erotica was published by Cleis Press in Spring 2012. They are on the board of the Lesbian Sex Mafia in New York and the 2013 Butch Voices National Conference, and serves the Body Electric School as a coordinator, with whom they have studied for nearly ten years.”
Remembering the Lord’s day
Sex week begins April 7, Sunday on the calendar also known as the Lord’s Day. As if in deference to the Creator, the show begins Sunday with a religion-oriented panel featuring registered sexologist Megan Andelloux as the keynoter. Said Jacob Clark, a co-founder of the group sponsoring the event: “Our faith and sexuality panel will be a large discussion, presentation and debate on how different faiths treat sexuality. I personally believe that one’s faith and choices and beliefs regarding her or his sexuality often intersect heavily, so I am excited to hear the input of religious leaders and fellow students at UT.”
In her communion with students, the sexologist will discuss orgasms, the college hookup culture and sexual identity.
— David Tulis hosts Nooganomics.com, a talk show at 1240 Copperhead AM radio from 1 to 3 p.m. weekdays. The show streams live via 1240wsdt.com.
‡ The full title is Hopousia, or the Sexual and Economic Foundations. Another Unwin work is “Monogamy as a Condition of Social Energy,” The Hibbert Journal, vol. XXV, no. 4 (July 1927), pp. 662-677.
Sources: — Philip Yancey, “The Lost Sex Study,” Christianity Today website, Dec. 12, 1994
— “The Seventh Commandment,” R.J. Rushdoony, Institutes of Biblical Law (Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Co., 1973), 890 pp.
— Todd Starnes, “University of Tennessee Uses Student Fees to Host Lesbian Bondage Expert,” Radio.foxnews.com, March 14, 2013
— Blair Kuykendall, “‘Sex Week’ to break silence on sexuality, assault at UT,” Daily Beacon, utdailybeacon.com, Jan. 10, 2013
Is this bifurcated or what? UT spends money to promote kids’ having sex and then also is part of the “fighting sexual assault” crowd. They are too stupid and too blind to understand that they can’t have it both ways.
Last I checked, consensual sex and sexual assault are two different things. Good on UTC for not giving in to the neo-cons, trying to instill their religious beliefs on everything. And I say this as someone who hates UTC.
Hrm, upon rereading my last post, I think it was a bit more argumentative than I intended.
Let me put it this way. There is likely to be very few people attending UTC younger than 17, and the vast majority are 18 or older. The objective of any school is to prepare them for a successful career, or life. In our post-50 Shades of Grey world, chances are good that those attending the school will be exposed in some way to sex, odd sexual orientations, someone who participates in less-than-usual sex practices, or even may decide, despite parental wishes otherwise, that they are interested in partaking in such acts themselves.
From this point, there are two possible outcomes. Either they enter such activities (including straight, normal activity) armed with only 50 Shades, and their equally ignorant friends, or alternatively, this institution, designed to teach adults, takes this adult subject matter as an optional class, and teaches these adults about adult activities.