The front page of the Washington Post lets lovers of local economy know that they must get on their helmets and round up the kids.
One thing that presidential inaugurals aren’t, and that is conciliatory. The spectacle Monday in the federal capital was marked by expressions of deep emotion. Hundreds from Chattanooga rode or flew to Washington to count themselves among the 800,000 people who wanted to witness firsthand the ceremonies marking President Obama’s second four-year term.
In the heart of many was a sense of gratitude, well-being, hope, and a belief in the collective will, and the normal and happy means of its accomplishing all good things for the American people, as a sea of unenumerated faces, and souls one at a time.
Mr. Obama’s speech is a marvel, and the reading of it takes ones breath away while at the same time seems to infuse the hearer and reader with a peculiar but delicious oxygen. He seems to take into account the free market, local economy, Christian faith and weave their promises into his own.
“Through it all, we have never relinquished our skepticism of central authority,” he says, “nor have we succumbed to the fiction that all society’s ills can be cured through government alone. Our celebration of initiative and enterprise; our insistence on hard work and personal responsibility, are constants in our character.”
As lovers of local economy and free markets in Chattanooga (and elsewhere), we think almost that Mr. Obama understands us. His use of the phrase “central authority” suggests he recognizes our fears and is accounting for them. In tugging at my emotions, I start having the feeling that I should give up all resistance, and quietly comply with all that’s coming.
‘Preserving our individual freedoms’
His speech contains other references that win us — and assure us yokels in the South. He mentions “fidelity to our founding principles” but says they require “new responses to new challenges.” He mentions “preserving our individual freedoms” but says to do so “ultimately requires collective action.” He appeals to the local entrepreneur or capitalist with reference to American’s “endless capacity for risk and a gift for reinvention” but in the same breath goes on to espouse the collectivist ideal: “My fellow Americans, we are made for this moment, and we will seize it — so long as we seize it together.”
He seems to take a prolife position by referring to “a little girl born into the bleakest poverty” whom he says “we are true to our creed” when she “has the same chance to succeed as anybody else.” He makes reference to the belief “every citizen deserves a basic measure of security and dignity” and in discussing ObamaCare insists on government’s “investing in the generation that will build its future.” In an oblique reference to laws against gun owners, he says he wants “all our children, from the streets of Detroit to the hills of Appalachia to the quiet lanes of Newtown, [to] know that they are cared for, and cherished, and always safe from harm.” But his proabortion opinion that supports the elimination of 50 million boys and girls since 1973 is one he refuses to reconsider.
Evoking emotion in his listeners, he describes human disasters most vividly. “[A]ny one of us, at any time, may face a job loss, or a sudden illness, or a home swept away in a terrible storm.” And we are rescued from peril by the government’s main welfare programs, which he describes as “commitments we make to each other” — namely Medicare, and Medicaid, and Social Security. These, he says, “do not sap our initiative; they strengthen us. They do not make us a nation of takers; they free us to take the risks that make this country great.”
Neutralizing us in another area
The power of Mr. Obama’s speech is that he accounts for the points of view of people opposed to centralization and the diminution of liberty. And he is on the side of people who care about loving commitments in marriage. His comments about homosexuality are carefully crafted to appeal to the sympathy of man and wife, as he insists homosexual acts — crimes at common law and under the scripture — are blessed if devoted.
To the people in the gay and civil rights lobbies, Mr. Obama suggests they fight in a unified cause. He makes a passing, mysterious reference to “Stonewall.” No, not Stonewall Jackson, folks, but one with which these insiders are familiar. John Loftin, a longtime journalist and columnist, tells us the wonderful story of “gay civil rights” at Stonewall Inn in New York.
A story in the liberal Denver Post newspaper (6/27/99) says this “Inn” was a place which operated “thanks to payoffs to the police and the Mafia.” A story in the liberal Los Angeles Times (6/26/96) refers to Stonewall as a place that was “a seedy, Mafia-controlled hangout for drag queens.” And a piece in the liberal Newsday newspaper (6/27/94) says it was the scene of “a revolt by people on the fringes of even the gay community…a sleazy Mafia bar [whose] patrons were the queerest, raggediest, grungiest of the gays.”
In his well-documented book Stonewall (Dutton, 1993), the pro-homosexual Martin Duberman tells how an epidemic of hepatitis among sodomite men was blamed on Stonewall because there was no running water behind the bar and used glasses were simply run through stagnant vats of water, then re-used. Duberman also reveals how middle-aged men “cruised” in Stonewall looking for underage male prostitutes. He quotes one homosexual activist as saying the bar was a haven for so-called “chicken hawks,” adult males who coveted underage boys. Another homosexual activist says Stonewall was “a real dive, an awful, sleazy place set up by the Mob for hustlers, ‘chickens’ to be bought by older people.” Duberman tells how the doorman at Stonewall was accused of “purveying drugs and young flesh there” and how he was involved in taking payoffs from the Mafia and New York cops.
When the police raided Stonewall about 1:20 am on June 28, 1969, the bar was full of male whores and drugged and drunken “drag queens” (men wearing womens’ clothes). A cop shoved one of the patrons telling her (?) to keep moving. She (?) started swinging at the cop. As Duberman tells it: “By now the crowd had swelled to a mob, and people were picking up and throwing whatever loose objects were at hand —- coins, bottles, cans, bricks from a nearby construction site. Someone even picked up dog s—- from the street and threw it in the cops’ direction.” Cops had to dodge flying glass. One was hit near the eye with a shard of glass causing blood to spurt out. A beer can bounced off another cop’s head. And a man Duberman describes as “a wild Puerto Rican queen” verbally threatened to rape a male cop he believed to be of Irish ancestry.
When the police retreated inside the bar and barricaded the door, according to Duberman, “an arm reached through a shattered window, squirted more lighter fluid into the room, and then threw in another lit match. This time the match caught, and there was a whoosh of flame.” Just then, police reinforcements arrived and saved their colleagues inside from being burned to death. Four cops were wounded in this riot. Some suffered human bites.
Mr. Obama concludes his material on homosexual legislation: “It is now our generation’s task to carry on what those pioneers began.”
Yes. Yes. I’m starting to see it, now. I am going to give up. Local economy is so — yawn! So small. So weak. Yes. With all this leadership, I have hope.
John Loftin, “Obama Praises ‘Pioneer’ Sex Perverts Who Rioted Against Cops In 1969; Says We Must Carry On What They Began,” Jan. 21, 2013
How gullible you are?