From Chris Butler | Tennessee Watchdog Henry Juszkiewicz and Christian Martin run competing guitar-manufacturing companies, but their politics have nothing in common. Juszkiewicz, CEO of the Nashville-based Gibson Guitar, …
What does the theory of local economy say when government buys office supplies and pays more for printer cartridges because it buys local? Should not the burden on the …
The desire for liberty in the medical profession — one that years ago sold out to government-run health care insurance — is intensifying with the coming of Obamacare. In …
The trial of Vernon Hershberger for selling unpasteurized milk to friends and neighbors brings before us the role of conscience, particularly when its operation has a public implication. Conscience …
This four-minute video explains the marvel of mass production at Volkswagen’s Chattanooga plant. Sen. Bob Corker has introduced a bill in the federal legislature to accomplish what on first …
By David Tulis The rescue Monday of three enslaved women in a run-down Cleveland, Ohio, house is exciting because it is a picture of salvation and redemption. What strikes …
The Internet is destroying information monopolies and making it possible for people to be freer in their minds, to have access to a free market in ideas. We have …
A TV blared momentarily behind us as I was chatting with Louis Lee, the spokesman for the Tennessee state guard who was telling me about the guard’s constitutional foundations …