A feisty homeowner in Southeastern Tennessee who has defied a court’s order to voluntarily allow a search of her house says she is standing for constitutional rights and the …
An engineer’s inspection of the disputed Thomas and Carol Gaddy house in Dunlap, Tenn., says it is structurally sound — and thus not a threat to public safety, as …
“There is one criminal justice system for citizens — especially black and brown ones — and another for police in the United States.” —Redditt Hudson, former St. Louis officer …
Prison inmate Grenda Harmer is keeping up a barrage of letters complaining about abusive treatment among prisoners at MCCX, a state slave camp in Wartburg. A copy of a …
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Aug. 7, 2017) Today I will present a series of lectures at the 2017 Washington DC “American Dream Conference” giving you a rare peek inside the world of HUD, …
Mayor Andy Berke, heeding growing public interest in reform, tells of an encounter between a drunken husband and an officer that in times past might have ended in a …
Chattanooga police acting chief David Roddy admires machine guns belonging to the federal military. Local base commander White is at left. (Photo, Fred Fletcher Twitter) Mayor Andy Berke is …
Tennessee law appears to allow for TVA officers to enforce Tennessee commercial and criminal statutes against people along the highways and byways of Hamilton or any other of the state’s …