Tensions are high between police and the black community. A new NPR poll says 60 percent of African Americans believe they or someone in their family were unfairly stopped …
The refusal of the judicial industrial complex in Hamilton County to uphold Tennessee’s guilty intention (“premeditation”) law is filling the jail with people who are too poor to make …
The Rutherford Institute has filed a Fourth Amendment lawsuit on behalf of a young African-American man who, after being stopped by Louisiana police for a broken taillight, was allegedly …
A dirty state secret: Ignore “guilty mind.” Culpable intent is required by Tennessee law, but judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys reject it. (Courtesy Noogaradio 92.7) Gladden, Coonrod traffic stop typifies …
Prisoner complaints sent by snailmail to Tennessee Rep. John Ray Clemmons suggest larger problems in prison privatization, management. (Courtesy Noogaradio) Harmer pitches complaints about prisons to both GOP, Dems …
The prospect of policing reform hinges on training of police officers and sheriff’s deputies. Training in de-escalation is the key to saving American lives and ending the cop-caused bloodbath that …
A review of Devon Patrick Kelly’s atheistic compulsion to gun down 26 people worshiping the one true God. (Courtesy Noogaradio 92.7)
Neysa Taylor is the spokeswoman for the Tennessee department of correction with whom I have dealt regarding reporting done from inside the system by a meticulous correspondent, Grenda Ray …