By David Tulis A newcomer to a men’s Bible study every Tuesday at noon at Wally’s in East Ridge sits stolidly and expressionless at the end of table, taking …
A friend called Friday asking about investments. I told him I don’t give investment advice. But we chatted about how precious metals are an ultimate form of liquidity, a …
A private citizen of Tennessee, I have worked many years in defense of Christianity and liberty in ways that draw little notice. My work has been in the direction …
The chief manager of a Nashville investment advisory firm says that Christians should have the right perspective about their assets as they face the prospect of a meltdown in …
You have sown much, and bring in little; you eat, but do not have enough; you drink, but you are not filled with drink; you clothe yourselves, but no …
(Third of three parts) How do I invest locally? What traps should I beware? First, take into account to what extent investments depend on federal government credit. In these …
(Second of three parts.) When people think of investing, they think, “I must go to some investment counselor and I must send my money off to New York or …
By Franklin Sanders At first it may sound loony, but money and wealth are not identical. Wealth is owning productive assets: fruit trees that produce fruit. Money is simply …