In the post below, Todd Gardenhire (whose senate campaign has no website) tells why he’s the candidate who deserves to win. When I asked the Republican about differences in …
Last night I spoke to about a dozen people connected with the Libertarian Party of Southeast Tennessee or desiring to hear about local economy. I’ve recast my notes into …
UTC this week caved to cajolings of the Freedom From Religion foundation and banned the free exercise of Christian prayer before football games. “We need to make sure there …
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.” — Matthew 7:21 “And …
Sometimes strong words are the only words. Softness dilutes the message and covers up the problem, encouraging people to tuck the issue into the far recesses of the mind …
By David Tulis The magistrates of our day need to find encouragement in the ancient concepts of interposition and nullification. These were developed by people in the reformed church …
By David Tulis A favorite character in the scriptures is Nehemiah, the Israelite who was cupbearer to an alien king, Artaxerxes, and sent back to his home country to …
The big story this week is the selection by former Mormon bishop and stake president Mitt Romney of a Roman Catholic running mate, Paul Ryan. Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker …