Since the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has expanded its mandate to enforce these laws by labeling everything that is not …
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Aug. 7, 2017) Today I will present a series of lectures at the 2017 Washington DC “American Dream Conference” giving you a rare peek inside the world of HUD, …
Dane Wigington explains aerosol geoenginering, top video, while David Tulis listens to Dr. Marvin Herndon of San Diego in a radio interview. Dr. Herndon in 2015 made a major …
Tennessee law appears to allow for TVA officers to enforce Tennessee commercial and criminal statutes against people along the highways and byways of Hamilton or any other of the state’s …
The arrest Saturday of a family by TVA on the public right away has shocked many people who were unaware of the use of federal unmarked cars to enforce …
A federal utility that specializes in burning coal for electricity is lighting a hot one under the seats of travelers and motorists who are being pulled over in traffic …
Nuclear geoscientist J. Marvin Herndon in a new paper examines the dust laid in long white stripes across the skies of Hamilton County and Chattanooga and places like it across …