By William Anderson In the bawdy, satirical cartoon show, South Park, one episode seemed to be something akin to life imitating art (if one calls the show “art”). Called …
By David Tulis The Matt Nevels story in the Times Free Press caused a national sensation among thinking people the past two Sundays, and no doubt we will hear …
I am thinking today about the 193-page court opinion on Obamacare — National Federation of Independent Business vs. Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services — and how …
Political philosophy has long had basic problems such as that obligation (why ought one to obey the state?) or that of whom should rule. What about the individual versus …
Duress has been defined as a condition of mind produced by improper external pressure or influence that practically destroys the free agency of a party and causes the person …
By Samantha Martin It’s been going around, some of the lies you hear. I am not sure why it comes up this time of year, but it does move …
Capitalism or the free market system generally is defined as an economic system in which the means of production (land, labor and capital) are privately owned. The capitalists own …