Warm breath inspires local economy. The concept inhales. It exhales, emitting a little carbon dioxide and perhaps a bit of neighborly halitosis. It is spiritual because local economy is …
By David Tulis (Second of two parts.) While everybody else is celebrating Halloween, a few people look past the hobgoblins to a much more important celebration, that of the …
(First of two parts.) On Wednesday, Oct. 31, the Protestant world marks the anniversary of Martin Luther’s hammering his 95 theses at a church door in a small university …
Our interest in free markets and local economy develops along two lines, one defensive and one offensive. The offensive line of thought builds up the concept of local economy, …
Andrae McGary, a Chattanooga city councilman, is seeking to be elected state senator. He is optimistic about the uses of the state in transforming society in keeping with Catholic …
I recently had a lively chat with a local political figure over the meaning of liberty. My definition, as I proposed it, is that liberty is the absence of …
“If you don’t have Christ, your life is without a compass. If you don’t have Christ, you don’t live. You merely exist.” — Rev. Jeremy Roberts, Highland Park Baptist …
Daily I receive daily emails from groups whose work is valuable for sifting the Internet to bring me stories touching on Christianity, law and culture. But often the onslaught …