By David Tulis The men at Panera Posse the other morning considered the work of Gary Chapman, whose “love language” books have been such a help to Christians understanding …
By David Tulis The burly man with the beard standing next to me is Randy Van Hooser, owner of All-American Taxi Co. in Chattanooga. We are taking an hour …
The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan. Penguin Books, 2006. 415 pages with bibliography and index. Human beings are omnivores, but that carries a …
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated.” — 4th Amendment to the …
Dear Rep. Fleischmann, Neither presidents nor congresses in any combination of party have cut federal spending, and it needs to be done. Here’s a suggestion. Create a new voluntary …
Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam has taken up the cause of vouchers as a way to soften the failings of government-run schools among poor people, whose home life is often … on Hot News Talk Radio 1240 defends a host of blessings and attacks a swarm of evils. Its perspective is Noogacentric, provincial, localist and personal. Its theme in …
Local economy is a question that poked its head several times at the Chattanooga Tea Party candidates forum in which six candidates for city council posts offer their vision …