Editor’s note. Two items at bottom of Page C1 in Friday’s Chattanooga Times Free Press business section catch our notice. One is the arrival at Liberty Tower downtown of …
The experiment is for a good cause. Egalitarianism, openness, caring, moderation, modernity. Gays are people, too. The scouts are updating a code of ethics in an era of tolerance. …
I enjoy Jean Henri Fabre’s book, Storybook of Science, which brings my son, 10, and me to the world of the beehive this week in lessons. We sit entranced …
This film documents the dangers of genetically modified organisms in the food supply. (Editor’s note: Please attend our one-day health conference Saturday in Hixson. The main speaker for Debunking …
The conviction of an abortionist for murder in Philadelphia highlights a personal, private health care practice that took place more than 30,000 times at Chattanooga Women’s Clinic beginning in …
BT cotton is proving a disaster in India, causing rashes, death in animals and thousands of farmer suicides. An excerpt from the important film, “Genetic Roulette.” Note: Chattanooga-area critics …
Beyond harassment by the IRS, tea partiers and activist Republicans face a longer-term hurdle — the perception that they are mere conservatives protecting a political and economic establishment. Their …
City court serves as a pressure relief valve for the judicial system, where cases can be disposed of in a bench trial — the judge sitting without a jury …