Every year Chattanooga and Hamilton County publish budgets which discuss the balancing of revenue (from taxation) and expenditures, ostensibly for the good of the client public. Last week Jim …
The married state is for most men a productive and delightful one. In marriage I have learned many graces: Patience, love, understanding, encouragement. It is school for a man; …
The people who have brought you national economy have also brought you a government bank that extends credit and credit guarantees not only to Chattanooga companies, but foreign importers …
How We Define Poverty from The Chalmers Center on Vimeo. Gang culture in the government ghetto has two causes. One is the artificiality of city culture operating on a …
Please read Part 1 of Franklin Sanders’ interview with James Turk. Mr. Turk has been describing the use of inflation by the Federal Reserve System. Mr. Turk is the …
James Turk and I met in 1985, and have been friends ever since. Since graduating in 1969 from George Washington University with a B.A. degree in International Economics he …
Christians in Chattanooga and around the world are debating a controversy that has marked the life of the church since the day of Christ. And that is the extent …
As a journalist interested in local economy and free markets in Chattanooga and beyond, I have come to see not just the strengths in local economy, but its many …