For the past year I have been writing full time under the tag, “local economy and free markets in Chattanooga and beyond.” In a culture that doesn’t rest, I …
Deputy A.J. Ross of Rutherford County, Tenn., gives trouble to Chris Kalbaugh, 21, a Middle Tennessee State University junior, in this video posted July 4. Such abuse, said to …
By David Tulis Today I delivered a 10-year-old boy to Dixies Does farm in Dayton, Tenn., so the boy could help Bill Ensinger and his wife, Becky, work on …
A principle of local economy is nonintervention. Nonintervention makes its first claim on behalf of the free market by opposing taxation and the corralling of businesspeople in the enterprise …
Walter Burien explains how composite or commercial government keeps two sets of books, the budget and the comprehensive annual financial report, or CAFR. This two-hour talk’s first 10 minutes …
And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. — The Lord Jesus, Matthew 11:12 By David …
The idea of local economy is pleasantly disorienting. It allows unexpected intellectual and spiritual connections that are fruity. Here I point not to a fault, but a virtue. The …
This morning at Panera Posse my friend and I discuss place. I am not sure how the conversation arises from our ruminations over coffee and bagels at a familiar …