Much of what we follow in the news is scary. Spain, succumbing to external debt pressures, is banning the use of cash in transactions bigger than 2,500 euros. The …
By David Tulis Every mom and dad is quirky. Each household has distinct ideas and customs that frame the spiritual and intellectual lives of its children. My contributions to …
Video streaming by UstreamSociety of Work is an ideal way in which a entrepreneur can have shared workspace with other productive people, plus enjoy the interactions of self-directed …
By David Tulis I’ve just returned from a two-day visit to Miami with my mother. My brother, Thomas, a bachelor artist, and I drove her to visit relatives from …
By David Tulis Chattanooga City Council member Larry Grohn confronted members of the Chattanooga Tea Party and demanded to know why Christians and conservatives are not more vocal in …
I greatly appreciate feedback and criticisms for our theory of local economy, especially as we perceive a Christian interest in the theme “love your neighbor — shop local.” One …
Jesus said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, & they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so …
By Franklin Sanders Please take time to read Part I of this essay here at, our local economy and Noogacentric free market website. Family farming and industrial farming …