November 1, 2014

October 31, 2014
Haslam, industry titans reject marketplace, digital redo in education
By David Tulis Gov. Bill Haslam’s Tennessee Promise program of free associate degrees for high school grads is being flooded with applications, not to anyone’s surprise. Twenty thousand had …

October 31, 2014
TV spot fibbery: Amendment 2 ‘protects our right to vote for judges’
An establishment bid in Tennessee to beef up the powers of the executive and legislative branches of government is filled with clever dissimulation. For one, TV spots and fliers …

October 31, 2014
‘Rush, rush, rush!’ — The rise, fall of Chattanooga abortion clinic (1)
God’s People Persevere in Christian Combat; Death Mill Shut Down after 18 years of Prayer, Protest 30,000+ Babies’ Deaths, Botched Abortions, Endless Lawsuits Marked Clinic as God’s Judgment on …

October 30, 2014
How by act of levitation feds turn marriage law into empty shell
By David Tulis The debate over Amendment 1 to the Tennessee constitution brings to mind the 1973 Roe vs. Wade opinion from the U.S. supreme court that is said …

October 29, 2014
It’s perfectly rational for Barys, other weathermen to ignore sky striping
By David Tulis Governments talk up ways to “combat climate change” and have manipulated the weather with hazy factory skies for years. So why do weather forecasters reject sky …

October 29, 2014
Tennessee Promise props broken system
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream Gov. Bill Haslam’s giveaway of associate degrees to high school grads seeks to intervene on behalf of a bureaucratic schooling system facing erosion …

October 28, 2014
Shadow on the field of your inheritance
By David Tulis You googled “abortion chattanooga” because you are searching. You have liberty to do so. Some long while ago the Supreme Court issued a decision, Roe something-or-other, …