By David Tulis The federal high court’s endorsement of “gay marriage” puts a spotlight on a caprice of the modern state. Namely, its asserted authority to redefine words and …
By Bojidar Marinov / From Axe to the Root For anyone who has followed and understands the relationship between church leadership and civil government in the U.S. in the …
By David Tulis Hamilton County clerk Bill Knowles capitulated Friday after the federal high court issued an opinion overturning marriage and creating gay marriage as a national standard. Had …
“So we’re just awaiting direction from the attorney general if a decision comes down. If we get that guidance then we’ll fulfill the legal responsibility of the office.” — …
By David Tulis Robert Ashton Winslow is a filmmaker depicting the people in Chattanooga in a series of videos that attempt to give the viewer a rich insight of …
What happens when buyers and sellers in national economy are herded into the same place by the manipulations of great ones? What happens when investors want to sell, and …
The EPA says it intends to regulate aircraft emissions as a pollution harmful to human health. The proposal seems to arise from the environmentally friendly part of the agency. …