By J. Marvin Herndon In response to an urgent call through an article in Current Science for assistance to understand the geological association of high aluminum mobility with human …
By David Tulis Police in Chattanooga are chasing after a white Ford Focus along lamp-lit city streets after dark two days after a carjacking at UTC. Inside are three …
Walter Burien gives me an interview regarding CAFRs, the comprehensive annual financial report system that suggests government capital passes F$100 trillion. That is to say, wealth amassed by governmental entities, …
By David Tulis Christianity is a system of belief and life that will reshape human society and in large measure reorganize nations and kingdoms before the last day. That …
By David Tulis The future of public schooling is weak on many fronts. Its prospect as a cartel is limited by myriad marketplace options and an increasingly unwillingness of …
By David Tulis A towtruck driver has been indicted in South Carolina on charges that he violated a statute that prohibits “unconscionable prices during times of disaster,” and makes …
By David Tulis As boys in the front yard make a terror among the ducks, Bill Ensinger pushes his daughter Elizabeth on a swing set and expresses satisfaction about …