By David Tulis The proposal to end the pouring fluoride into the district’s water supply is wise for two reasons — cost and public health. For one, liquid hydrofluorosilicic …
Today the Governor sent an email to various persons about the Obama administration’s “guidance letter” relative to privacy in intimate public settings like school bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, and …
The political establishment overseeing the much-touted war on climate change has it easy. So do the gamblers on the Chicago weather futures exchange. No legal process or bill in …
If you are one of the 14,223 victims of Montgomery County’s sessions court a remedy for your plight may lie in that court’s limited authority to impose fines. If …
Tammy Pritchard, Debra Nutall, Latisha Malone, and Leanna Malone share more than just a bloodline; they share a problem that has become something of a familial burden. They have …
Christians and others are doing important work to develop the ideas we explore here and on AM 1240 Hot News Talk Radio on the David Tulis program. Among those …
The “Fiddle Man of Lawrenceburg” is urging a judge to find state government in contempt for refusing to show up for a hearing in its efforts to jail him …
State government revoked the driver licenses of 14,223 people in a hapless Tennessee county whose traffic court sent notice to Nashville of uncollected fines. The uproar this week in …