The story of the Chattanooga Times Free Press misleads the reader into thinking that vaccination is required to be on the public school dole as an enrollee, student and …
Immunizations are required to get into public school, Or are they? How to get the “religious exemption” if you want a vaccine-free son or daughter and avoid grave perils …
To have a prosperous society under godly self-government and constitutional protection, we will want to pare back state licensing and permitting schemes that limit and restrain harmless and innocent …
A city that adopts a policy of obeying Tennessee law regarding transportation and police traffic stops will effectively be altering its morals. Chattanooga is out of compliance with state …
Officers slay American after chasing her along highway, into deadend in a Soddy-Daisy residential area surrounded by woods. Did the officer think that the Title 55 transportation stop and …
Dr. Doe is a little heavy footed and is traveling in his private sedan at 45 mph in a 35 mph zone. An alert officer of his local police …
The city attorney’s office on Thursday let slip three civil defendants who had offended the city’s claims on their private property through its short-term vacation rental district scheme. One …
The civil cases files against outlaw Airbnb activists and homeowners illustrates how political government works against constitutional and respectful government. Illegal government is efficient; lawful government is hamstrung. Chip …