I don’t give legal advice, don’t practice law, don’t have a law business or practice. But I’ve read enough law and thought long enough about our constitutionally guaranteed rights …
This rental house in Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., is open for a person or family with the following needs: 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, 1 bath; est. 1,200 square feet, on …
Again today I had another rocky encounter with a mask mandate. This time at a Wal-Mart distribution center in Monroe, Ga. By Bill Evans / truck driver theologian They …
(The Center Square) – A worship protest led by California Christian worship leader Sean Feucht that drew thousands to Nashville’s Public Square Park is under investigation by the Nashville …
Gregory Parker has a court date set Oct. 20 in Lake County, Fla., after up to eight trooper and sheriff department officers amassed around him Tuesday night along a …
David, great to hear from you again. It would seem that you have learned a lot about warrantless arrests since our last encounter! I hear you’ve been saying great …
The arrest of Juanita Dianne Strickland Oct. 4 appears to be part of a pattern of deputy conduct that violates Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-7-103, arrest by officer without warrant. …
Petition in equity and for writ of mandamus State of Tennessee, ex rel. David Jonathan Tulis vs. Gov. Bill Lee et al, case No. 20-0685 In the court of …