Police’s routine claims upon travelers are in evidence in a noisome arrest video posted by businesswoman Jayla Oattes showing the arrest of her mother at a gas station on …
Once given notice, officials have to obey the law or face personal tort lawsuits by victims of their abusive activities. My lococentric reform project seeking greater godliness in SE …
Traffic court is a venue for maintaining among the commonest people the idea that no liberty of travel by car exists and that Americans, especially the poor, must make …
Neal Pinkston prosecutes taxpayer watchdog Tim Boyd. Sheriff Jim Hammond hounds immigrant laborer Rodriguez for using car. Bradley deput cuffs man using phone camera. Darrin Ledford, other city council …
It may be good that Chattanooga city government is bureaucratically slow in getting into gear its surveillance of the short-term vacation rental market. Donna Williams of the mayor’s economic …
Sheriff Jim Hammond refuses to order a shutdown of Hamilton County public schools even though he describes them as being subject to a “type of war” — the gunman …
A proposal to ban the begging of alms in Chattanooga takes heavy fire at the city council Tuesday among critics of the measure who say it makes the city …
Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Hammond is mulling questions I sent him March 8 following a March 1 interview with 92.7 FM NoogaRadio regarding the rules for transportation enforcement. Sheriff …