Our discussion of money, or what passes for “money” today, has concerned itself so far primarily with coins and currency, which most people regard as the “ultimate“ money. Although …
The way for our hometown to succeed amid pending economic buffetings is a narrow one. Not a broad way, a narrow way. For Chattanooga to remain on its feet …
A bill before the Tennessee senate would let the people’s elected representatives take a stand on the integrity of the state of Tennessee as a political entity. The boundary …
Localism vs. the grandeur of Washington Last night when I came upstairs my wife, Jeannette, was sitting at the foot of the bed doing chores to prepare for today’s …
Dear Rep. Fleischmann, Neither presidents nor congresses in any combination of party have cut federal spending, and it needs to be done. Here’s a suggestion. Create a new voluntary …
The jury system for finding criminals guilty arises from a biblical framework of justice. Since juries also find men not guilty, it is a calling that can be honorably …
(This is the second of two parts. Part 1 is here) Suppose now that you have $150,000 to husband. What do you do? In today’s investing environment, with interest …
Michael Shuman, in this 27-minute chat, sketches out the main ideas of local economy. Local economy is about us. National economy is about them. In simplifying my theory to …