Transportation stops used to harass blacks, immigrants and the poor are effectively a demand for proof of taxes paid on the exercise of a state privilege or favor. That …
“The Fourth Amendment was designed to stand between us and arbitrary governmental authority. For all practical purposes, that shield has been shattered, leaving our liberty and personal integrity subject …
CHATTANOOGA, May 6 — An April 7 traffic stop in Chattanooga was upheld under the low “probable cause” standard of evidence and sent to the grand jury for review. …
Sessions court judge Lila Statom delays a hearing in a criminal case in which the legal establishment is assailing the right of free communication and movement among the working …
Welder and family man Gregory Parker of Chickamauga, Ga., uses area roads freely as a matter of common right, and is prepared to make a case for personal liberty …
A Chickamauga, Ga., welder is challenging Hamilton County Sessions Court Judge Lila Statom in her purported claim to jurisdiction. Gregory J. Parker of 270 Mccarty Road is being charged …
The city’s criminal citation of a man accused of walking on the street while the sidewalk is available is an example of how police and officials high-handedly accuse people …