A city police officer has flashes blue lights and has pulled you over in your car. Standing somewhat to your left behind you, he leans forward and loudly demands …
I will have to give it to Hamilton County register of deeds Mark Gravitt and county attorney Rheuben Taylor, who have worked in combination to thwart public notice of …
SHELBY COUNTY, Tenn. — Over the weekend, The FreeThought Project reported on an unprecedented move by Rhode Island police and National Guard going door to door to hunt down individuals seeking …
“That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary. There wasn’t even any rioting in the streets. People stayed home at night, watching television, looking …
David Tulis As candidate for mayor, what do you make of transportation administrative notice? The city has been under notice two years. Monty Bruell What I know about this …
You have an opportunity to embrace the constitution and the right of the people to reform their government by address or remonstrance, pursuant to Tennessee Constitution, Article I, § …
A Virginia state trooper is under a citizen complaint after perjuring himself in her criminal trial and alleging to colleagues in public afterward that she was “a Nazi” because …
Loretto in middle TN gets notice, but FB spikes effort to share In January I put the town of Loretto under transportation administrative notice, having heard of abusive police …