Dave Crockett held a press conference Wednesday at the convention and trade center downtown to release a late fund-raising report and to declare himself a head taller than a lanky …
Fights over numbers fly at the mayoral debate among four candidates, with with Dave Crockett ridiculing Larry Grohn’s count of housing shortage at 6,000 and Chris Long revealing …
The blogger with the city’s biggest pen on Monday failed to nail down Andy Berke on the abuse his police department metes out to innocent citizens. That blogger is …
Dave Crockett is the mayor candidate who best reflects the ideas of local economy and free markets and who best reflects our unique analysis of the problems and prospects …
DUNLAP, Tenn. Taxpayers of a small town hounding two of its senior citizens in court have spent a pretty penny on the process since June 2015. Civil prosecution of …
This interview by former city council member and mayoral candidate Dave Crockett lays out the rationale for the secession of Chattanooga from Hamilton County. It would be a great …
Mayoral candidate Larry Grohn voted on Tuesday to officially launched a program of mass surveillance by cameras by the executive branch of city government, led for now by Andy …
Every two to four years politicians at all levels of government come back to the community asking once again for your vote of support. Repeatedly plans for certain communities …