Individual rights protection is the only legitimate reason for government to exist *** he duty of this court, as of every judicial tribunal, is limited to determining rights of …
Tonight I write an angry letter to city council member Demetrus Coonrod urging an awakening of Christian or moral conscience on behalf of the citizenry of Tennessee who inhabit …
Transportation administrative notice is a remedy for the plague of police abuse, I tell members of the unity group Sunday night. I am asked to give a presentation about …
If you signed the criminal complaint against you (traffic ticket) and are in the crowd of people awaiting to confront your accuser, the hallowed State of Tennessee, you have …
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Feb. 5, 2019) – Bills filed in the Tennessee legislature would require state courts to fully inform jurors of their right to use discretion in rendering verdicts. …
The toughest question Gino Bennett asks me is, “Are you saying that a person who is committing a violation is not under the authority of our officer?” Mr. Bennett …
Rep. Bud Hulsey filed the petition for remonstrance in the state general assembly because he sees in John Gentry’s efforts an effort to regain control of the state judicary, …
John Stevens is a practicing attorney of Huntingdon, Tenn., 3½ hours from Chattanooga and west of Nashville, and a member of the state senate who objects to anyone criticizing …