Mayor Andy Berke of Chattanooga,caught in the CV-19 panic, is admitting a key legal distinction he has previously ignored, one that is part of a racially sensitive police power …
The profanity of deputies serving Sheriff Jim Hammond of Hamilton County, Tenn., is enough to tingle the ear as residents of Hamilton County, Tenn., seek protection and safety from …
Many cases in County courts and those across the state should be dismissed on due process grounds because the officer arrested the accused person without a warrant in violation …
The extralegal activity of mayors and in the Flu 19 epidemic is in the same pattern as their other acts to reject their duty to protect the people in …
Officials in Tennessee are rejecting clear limits in state law, leading to ruin of livelihoods among tens of thousands of people in Chattanooga local economy and beyond. By David …
Gov. Lee, putting healthy people into a quarantine and cities into “lockdown” is a temptation. I urge you to turn your back upon it and to flee so that …
David Tulis As candidate for mayor, what do you make of transportation administrative notice? The city has been under notice two years. Monty Bruell What I know about this …
The dangers we face in Hamilton County today are more the beefy and bulky kind than the microscopic kind. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM The danger is …