The rippling water staircase has, for now, dried up in downtown Chattanooga. (Photo Chattanooga Visitors Bureau) By David Tulis The marketplace is that great mass of men and women …
By David Tulis Many dozens of people gathered on the fourth floor of the public library in downtown Chattanooga on Wednesday to write statements of opinion on wall-pasted sheets …
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Media coverage over stratospheric aerosol geoengineering explodes this week in the Western press. Everyone knows how laborious the usual method is of attaining to arts and sciences; whereas by …
By David Tulis This week two videos about Chattanooga come to our notice, with a short one drawing our attention to unusual weather patterns. The more significant video runs …
Robert Ashton Winslow tells how superior people of means and talent in the past 50 years have reshaped the river city into a tourist town with a pro-environment reputation. …
By John W. Whitehead / Rutherford Institute We want no Gestapo or secret police.
By David Tulis Three important constitutional amendments on the ballot give us common people a chance to defy the will of the elites whose concentration of power secures their …