Carol Gaddy has filed a petition asking a judge to review the continuing abuse of process against her and her ownership with her husband, Thomas, of a house on …
Black activists and Democrat-oriented sympathizers have it easy. They complain bitterly about statues of Confederate notables such as Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest and, in Virginia, Gen. Lee, the great …
A ban by the mayor’s office of a blogger suggests that the Chattanooga police department is, indeed, a service to executive political interests and an executive branch organ of …
Carol Gaddy was arrested Monday in Hamilton County courthouse during an appearance to schedule a hearing, but her husband, Thomas, escaped the notice of county deputies sent after her by …
A feisty homeowner in Southeastern Tennessee who has defied a court’s order to voluntarily allow a search of her house says she is standing for constitutional rights and the …
An engineer’s inspection of the disputed Thomas and Carol Gaddy house in Dunlap, Tenn., says it is structurally sound — and thus not a threat to public safety, as …
“There is one criminal justice system for citizens — especially black and brown ones — and another for police in the United States.” —Redditt Hudson, former St. Louis officer …