NASHVILLE, Dec. 5, 2017 — Today, the Beacon Center teamed up with the Institute for Justice to file a lawsuit on behalf of Nashville residents Lij Shaw and Pat …
Enjoy fellowship and a hot meal on Dec. 15 in Dayton at the 16th Bill of Rights dinner organized by a prominent defender of constitutional government, June Griffin. Mrs. …
Chattanooga appears to be more blessed compared to other cities as regards its homeless people as city government is nowhere near as punitive as other cities in police treatment …
Tensions are high between police and the black community. A new NPR poll says 60 percent of African Americans believe they or someone in their family were unfairly stopped …
Without doubt the influence of Christianity on Chattanooga makes it a remarkable city in which to live and prosper and raise one’s family. The influence of the Bible and …
The refusal of the judicial industrial complex in Hamilton County to uphold Tennessee’s guilty intention (“premeditation”) law is filling the jail with people who are too poor to make …
The Rutherford Institute has filed a Fourth Amendment lawsuit on behalf of a young African-American man who, after being stopped by Louisiana police for a broken taillight, was allegedly …
Lawsuits have been filed to redress the grievance of 900 high school students in a Georgia town who were roughly searched in a mass hunt for drugs. The striking …