The public PDF type-written versions of the Tennessee Constitution posted by the secretary of state on his website and by the general assembly on its website are materially altered. …
I’m glad to know that according to the average Christian in Hamilton County the abuses I report on as journalist are morally neutral and not worth getting upset about. …
This video tells about the lawless treatment of Walter Frances Fitzpatrick, an honorable military man falsely seized in Monroe County and accused criminally for asserting common law authority to …
Police powers are easily defended by state actors on the grounds that the mass of people constitute a public interest, and that thereby any one particular member of the …
In a covenant with Uncle Sam, Tennessee agrees to obey federal law and accept its requirements in exchange for F$6 million to run a “commercial vehicle safety plan” for …
A much needed legal reform in Tennessee focuses on a 100-year-old abuse by the judicial machinery of the state against the people on the operation of grand juries and …
For the past decade a retired lieutenant navy commander in east-central Tennessee has been waging a one-man bid to reform grand juries under the scale-tipping thumb of criminal court …
Kenny Burke is having none of my questions as I sit next to his desk in his cramped, cluttered office shared with a tractor dealership. The operator and owner …