By David Tulis Will Bill Knowles, the Hamilton County clerk, buckle? Will this Christian man and well-known local political figure agree to issue a marriage license if two homosexual …
By David Tulis Homosexual city council member Chris Anderson is demanding that a circuit court judge reverse a recall petition that he says is an instrument of official repression …
By David Tulis A bill to throw off the mechanical contraption of Obamacare from atop the warm, organic civil society of Tennessee brings up the doctrine of interposition. It …
This report in Nashville indicates that even in a local economy, government inspectors are not averse to military tactics in routine visits to regulated businesses. Twelve armed-and-armored members of …
By David Tulis I mentioned recently how one of my sons warmly expressed himself on the question of why Christians hold views that contradict the opinions of others. Why …
This 10-minute video suggests the extent of police brutality that has occurred with the militarization of policing. By David Tulis By one calculation we are 29 times more likely …
By Jeremy Roberts Last night, it was announced that the A&E Network has suspended Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson due to his statements in an interview with GQ. The cry …