I realize it will take a while for the policy and political implications of transportation administrative notice to take effect. For busy men such as Mayor Andy Berke and …
Administrative Notice On Authority to Regulate Transportation, Travel in Tennessee The exercise of police power of Tennessee state government upon transportation is authorized through Title 55 of the Tenn. …
A Chattanooga police officer was so frightened by the knife in the hand of a wheelchair paraplegic that he whipped out his service pistol, screamed at the man, called …
Black people aren’t free to travel the highways, lanes and roads of Tennessee, according to state government and its rows of officials and officers. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio …
The warlords of history are still kicking our heads in, and no one, not our fathers, not our Gods, is coming to save us.”— Journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates The U.S. …
Mayor Berke, sit down and listen to what happens “walking while black” in your city. (Courtesy NoogaRadio 92.7)
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 In my pursuit of understanding local economy in the Chattanooga area, I have explored the idea of common law versus statutory systems such …
The Rhea County commission is considering a proposal to seize power against the people under authorization of a state law that gives broad authority to cities and counties with token …