I have been repeatedly informed by African-Americans in Chattanooga that as many as half of black people do not have their travel papers in order. Probably an even greater …
We stop ’em by being on juries and being informed about our ancient rights to defy and defeat bad law when pressed against a criminal defendant. But Melydia Clewell, …
Petitioner John Gentry deals with a head-on rebuke by a practicing attorney and member of the state judiciary who is also a member of the legislature in the Tennessee …
The flat prayers at public events are to a nondescript deity and ask for a general blessing for a generally good people from a generally decent Benefactor. The best …
The filing of a petition of remonstrance in Nashville this week by John Gentry is a remarkable development. But the proper perspective to take is one of skepticism of …
This excerpt from the petition for remonstrance by John Gentry of Goodlettsville, Tenn., argues that the general assembly should impose reforms on a political and legal system gridlocked in …
A remarkable project is about to be birthed in which John Gentry, a certified public accountant who resides in Goodlettsville, Tenn., tells the general assembly about innumerable grievances brought …
Chattanooga police department in its criminal investigation protocols gives rules for the officer interrogating a subject or suspect person, and makes clear that when you are not free to …