A review of appointment orders for grand jury foreman in Hamilton County uncovers an unusual record suggesting deep irregularities in the creation the citizen bodies charged with bringing indictments …
Police powers are easily defended by state actors on the grounds that the mass of people constitute a public interest, and that thereby any one particular member of the …
For the past decade a retired lieutenant navy commander in east-central Tennessee has been waging a one-man bid to reform grand juries under the scale-tipping thumb of criminal court …
Kenny Burke is having none of my questions as I sit next to his desk in his cramped, cluttered office shared with a tractor dealership. The operator and owner …
As a broadcast journalist I try to help my listeners solve their problems. Here’s one that may bring fruit, depending on the openness of people in the sheriff’s department …
Sylvester Harris, a tough-talking former iron worker, is joining the civilian police oversight board in Chattanooga and expresses concern about the training of police officers that draws them toward …
Because the state has an interest in maintaining a policy denying the people their right of free communication and movement, it works to confuse the vocabulary and terminology its …
I propose a county government ask Sheriff Jim Hammond to comply with the TN shipping and transportation law— one used routinely to harass the poor, blacks, immigrants and others …