By Franklin Sanders We live in a tapeworm economy. The monetary system enables those who control the government-sanctioned money creation franchise to feed on all the rest of us …
By Franklin Sanders Remember General Nathan Bedford Forrest at the Battle of Brice’s Crossroads, 147 years ago, 10 June, 1864, between here and Tupelo, Miss.. Forrest was the greatest …
I’m trying to figure out where my ideas about local economy are mistaken. Am I wrong to think of local economy as struggling against the national economy overseen by …
Dr. Gary North Parents are pulling their children out of the government schools. This is happening across the USA. In city after city, enrollment is declining. This is not …
And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; an thou shalt be called, the repairer …
If the world wants a solution to instilling public confidence in its universally insolvent banks, it should turn to the lecture notes of Robert J. “Bo” Sudderth and a …
Dr. Paul Hein The headline in the Wall Street Journal read: “Fed Weighs More Stimulus.” I was caught by the indecisiveness of it. The Fed is “weighing.” I guess …
By David Tulis Becky Ensinger’s soaps grace our shower stall dish and emit a pleasant, healthful fragrance. The couple supplies families at my church with eggs, though they won’t …