By David Tulis / Americans celebrate their country’s patriotic day looking up to exploding fireworks in the night sky. On Thursday thousands of souls in folding chairs and …
By David Tulis Christians and people of religious interest Monday exulted in a defense by the federal high court of Hobby Lobby and the Green family, spared an Obamacare …
By Tammy Drennan In 2004, former Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky wrote a book called The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror. Sharansky writes, …
By Franklin Sanders At the beginning of my career as a professional defendant, I had occasion to file some papers in Marion, Ark., the Crittenden County seat. Now I …
By David Tulis The Christian socialist cousins behind the American pledge of allegiance were men who had a low view of local economy. Their vision of America in 1892 …
By David Tulis Tuesday nights at my house is Trail Life USA, a new and morally honest alternative to the Boy Scouts. We have dinner early, and head off …
By David Tulis A marketing program paid for by Hamilton County and other taxpayers plays on a theory of local economy so diluted it is effectively an argument for …