The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he …
By William Anderson In the bawdy, satirical cartoon show, South Park, one episode seemed to be something akin to life imitating art (if one calls the show “art”). Called …
By David Tulis The other day I suggested that families outside the established economic and educational order may be better equipped than others to prosper amid economic decentralization …
By David Tulis The crackup of Israel after the death of Solomon was accomplished by a feckless son who rejected wise counsel of older men and followed the dare …
By David Tulis Samantha Martin sits with several of her children at a sunlit kitchen table talking about her growing experiment in local economy — a mix of farming, …
The home educating dads who gather Friday before work at Panera Posse pulled out a standard-issue brown napkin and a high-quality 99-cent red pen last week and scratched out …
Her hopes had been high despite whispered warnings to herself about contacting a prospective husband through the newspaper classifieds. In the personal listings of other single women she had …
Two sons leave today with other young men for a student conference held yearly in Johnson City, Tenn., where about 150 Christians ranging from 15 to early 20s hear …