By Dawn Stefanowicz I am one of six adult children of gay parents who recently filed amicus briefs with the US Supreme Court, asking the Court to respect the …
By David Tulis The national press focuses this week on the federal supreme court and its hearings Tuesday on marriage and whether the federal constitution bars states from their …
Two tenets of local economy are “Near is better than far” and “small is better than big.” Doctors are rediscovering the beauty of local economy by holding to these …
By Matt Trewhella Pietism was a movement which originated in the late 17th century. Pietists believe Christianity or God’s Law has no place for the governance of society. They …
“States enjoy exclusive authority over family law . . . because of the fundamental role of localism in the federal design.” —Anne C. Dailey, Federalism and Families, 143 U. …
The Gnome of Strawberry Plains has been cited to court for driving without a license, opening the prospect for a renewed effort to show that Tennessee’s driver license regime, …
By David Tulis My dissent from debt-based national economy is visceral. Meaning, I feel it in my bones as if it were a physical force. Because it touches not …
Timothy Noffsinger, a Home Depot worker in a town just west of Denver, says the company is preaching the religion of queer theory. His open letter shows how heartless …