We have been exploring the results of an elastic currency put into circulation by dishonest people among a dishonest and greedy folk (you and me? You be the judge). …
Inflation is a moral issue, not merely a technical one we should leave to statisticians and policy wonks who talk about exports or the global economy. Inflation is an …
In Basel, Switzerland, in a cylindrical building overlooking the Rhine, the gnomes of world finance meet every two weeks. Over dinner in their 18th floor hideout, they talk freely …
People who trust Uncle Sam with their life savings are in for a series of shocks as the financial house of cards upon which he sits falls apart one …
A friend called Friday asking about investments. I told him I don’t give investment advice. But we chatted about how precious metals are an ultimate form of liquidity, a …
A private citizen of Tennessee, I have worked many years in defense of Christianity and liberty in ways that draw little notice. My work has been in the direction …
The chief manager of a Nashville investment advisory firm says that Christians should have the right perspective about their assets as they face the prospect of a meltdown in …
You have sown much, and bring in little; you eat, but do not have enough; you drink, but you are not filled with drink; you clothe yourselves, but no …