We’ve reached the point where state actors can penetrate rectums and vaginas, where judges can order forced catheterizations, and where police and medical personnel can perform scans, enemas …
Municipal police should be abolished nationwide and all capable officers absorbed into sheriff’s departments. Local governments tend to not be capable of much good, including running “police” departments. The …
This week a committee in the general assembly is considering the civil asset forfeiture reform bill proposed by Sen. Todd Gardenhire and a state representative. The bill would reduce …
The basic premise of localism—and therefore, the basic premise of what I call “County Rights”—is that civil government power should be as decentralized as possible. This is the heart …
Police video supports the arrest of Antonio Bell in the retaliation case involving Judge David Bales, and undermines the favorable impression of Mr. Bell offered by an eyewitness in …
The following analysis explores the biblical requirement for men and women in civil authority to resist lawlessness and crime among their superiors in government. They do so by interposing …
Civil asset forfeiture lets Tennessee run official highwayman program, but Sen. Todd Gardenhire seeks revisions. In 2016 the state had 7,616 forfeiture cases, stole F$17 million in cash and …
The arrest of Antonio Bell on Feb. 11 in Chattanooga appears tinged with false report by police, abuse of authority, and appears to be a combination to put a …