Clean water activist Heath Marter plans to attend the Hixson Utility District board meeting Friday to suggest that the Tennessee code prohibits fluoridation because it poses a threat to …
A dirty state secret: Ignore “guilty mind.” Culpable intent is required by Tennessee law, but judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys reject it. (Courtesy Noogaradio 92.7) Gladden, Coonrod traffic stop typifies …
Lawsuits have been filed to redress the grievance of 900 high school students in a Georgia town who were roughly searched in a mass hunt for drugs. The striking …
Prisoner complaints sent by snailmail to Tennessee Rep. John Ray Clemmons suggest larger problems in prison privatization, management. (Courtesy Noogaradio) Harmer pitches complaints about prisons to both GOP, Dems …
Criminalization of non-criminal behavior and examples of bad behavior and misjudgement is pushing Hamilton County into a jail funding and jail crowding crisis, the pressure of which is intensifying. …
Grenda Harmer, slave in state prison in Wartburg, Tenn., tells about the petty tyrannies of the guards as the Times Free Press today reports on Hamilton County criminal court judge …
Chattanooga capitalists pitch “public-private” partnership to guarantee their profits in a new ball stadium, and Mayor Megan Barry of Nashville proposes a F$5 billion “mass transit” outlay paid by …
Police officers and sheriff’s deputies in the Chattanooga area are learning a vital technique of local economy: Voluntary relationships and free market techniques vs. force and violence. And increasingly …