Transportation administrative notice is a remedy for the plague of police abuse, I tell members of the unity group Sunday night. I am asked to give a presentation about …
If you signed the criminal complaint against you (traffic ticket) and are in the crowd of people awaiting to confront your accuser, the hallowed State of Tennessee, you have …
The Velocity 2040 proposal for Chattanooga is a civic vision of the city 20 years out as seen by the local chamber of commerce. In the alternative is a …
Attorney Robin Flores is a lawyer who regularly engages in lawsuits against cities and counties for abusive police practices. Mr. Flores, also a member of the NAACP, may be …
We stop ’em by being on juries and being informed about our ancient rights to defy and defeat bad law when pressed against a criminal defendant. But Melydia Clewell, …
A woman who worked as a guard at Hamilton County’s Silverdale jail is suing her employer over sexual abuse by inmates for which which no corrective action was made. …
The toughest question Gino Bennett asks me is, “Are you saying that a person who is committing a violation is not under the authority of our officer?” Mr. Bennett …
Petitioner John Gentry deals with a head-on rebuke by a practicing attorney and member of the state judiciary who is also a member of the legislature in the Tennessee …