Commercial government puts citizens in the unenviable position of having elected officials and their appointees and friends manage economic growth apart from the free market that rightly belongs to …
The nearly two years’ worth of reading and animated discussions that went into this study have convinced me more than ever that the idea of “fixing” the climate by …
By Russell Stroud “The Internet is simply too important to be left without rules and without a referee on the field,” says Tom Wheeler, chairman of the Federal Communications …
Roger Roots is an important scholar for tracing the ways by which the modern total state has curtailed constitutional liberties. Here we have read his analysis of the apparent …
By David Tulis We have long been suspicious of the words leader and leadership. For Mayor Andy Berke to be called a leader rankles. For state Rep. Patsy Hazlewood …
By Terri LaPoint / Health Impact News It will be at least “6 more weeks of kidnapping” for the 7 homeschooled, homebirthed Stanley children, according to their father. Hal …
By David Tulis The U.S. government proposes a massive weather modification program to undo a global warming trend it blames on human activities such as industry, highways and population …