By Tammy Drennan I’ve been trying to get my head around the American attitude about education (and I’m American). I sometimes think that we Americans as a whole have …
By David Tulis The arguments for local economy and free markets sometimes cannot be heard for their breathlessness, their being stifled by more powerful and lofty claims raised in …
Reporter Dick Cook of tells what’s happening at Superior Creek Lodge in East Ridge, a dwelling for 800 poor Tennesseans shut down by executive fiat on public safety …
It’s an epic manmade disaster is what I would call it. — Butch Ortwein, East Ridge United Methodist Church By David Tulis / Special to Officials acted heroically and …
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. (The more that changes, the more it’s the same thing.) — French proverb In part a review of The Educator & …
By David Tulis State government should not attempt to charge people to view public records because government is “a fat cat” whose wealth is stratospheric. That’s one of my …
Heavy chemtrailing Tuesday over Chattanooga as David chats with Bob Biles, free market publisher and writer looking at how the blockchain concept might keep government from grubby hands. Hearings …
By David Tulis The general assembly is considering a pay wall for people to merely peek at state government studies, dossiers, reports, filings, grant requests and the like. In …