By David Tulis Chattanooga police chief Fred Fletcher has joined a group of prosecutors and police bosses to urge an end to a law enforcement status quo that fills …
To this day if I see a policeman, do you know what it does to me? I just stiffen up. And don’t even get near me! Because then I’m …
The rooster crows immediately before sunrise, therefore the rooster causes the sun to rise. — Sample of poplar fallacy By David Tulis The marketplace in educational services has been …
The whitewash of Islam is provoking a mild backlash among public school parents in Tennessee. Their children spend hours every day in a state system where propaganda for Muslims …
By David Tulis Police in Chattanooga are chasing after a white Ford Focus along lamp-lit city streets after dark two days after a carjacking at UTC. Inside are three …
By David Tulis The future of public schooling is weak on many fronts. Its prospect as a cartel is limited by myriad marketplace options and an increasingly unwillingness of …
By David Tulis In 2008 a waste pond dam gave way at TVA’s Kingston, Tenn., plant, pouring forth 4.2 million cubic meters of slurried coal fly ash, swamping houses …