He who tills his land shall have plenty of bread: but he who follows frivolity will have poverty enough. — Prov. 28:19 Today has been a big day for …
It is often laid against corporate giants that they destroy local commercial ecocultures with their big boxes and their ubiquitous neon signs. These accusations often come from people who …
A friend called Friday asking about investments. I told him I don’t give investment advice. But we chatted about how precious metals are an ultimate form of liquidity, a …
This four-minute video shows how robots run much of the Volkswagen factory. It is the nature of a large enterprise that as scale increases, its perspective shifts into the …
Above, Michael Shuman talks about developing local stock exchanges. I am willing to concede that perhaps we are wrong about the idea of local economy and are perhaps overestimating …
(Second of three parts.) When people think of investing, they think, “I must go to some investment counselor and I must send my money off to New York or …
By Franklin Sanders At first it may sound loony, but money and wealth are not identical. Wealth is owning productive assets: fruit trees that produce fruit. Money is simply …
A family-run bicycle shop founded in 1998 is pedaling forward in low gear up a steady grade and a bit of recession-blown headwind. Suck Creek Cycle is pressing ahead, …