Chris Kitts was pulled over for using his phone while it was in his hand, in violation of a provision in the state trucking law at Title 55. The …
Across the U.S., police use laws that regulate the activity of trucking and hauling to impose their will upon private users of the road. In this encounter, a taillight …
The shooting of an East Ridge policeman following a “traffic stop” brings into view the city’s liability in pushing its employees to enforce state and federal law by force …
I don’t give legal advice, don’t practice law, don’t have a law business or practice. But I’ve read enough law and thought long enough about our constitutionally guaranteed rights …
David, great to hear from you again. It would seem that you have learned a lot about warrantless arrests since our last encounter! I hear you’ve been saying great …
The arrest of Juanita Dianne Strickland Oct. 4 appears to be part of a pattern of deputy conduct that violates Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-7-103, arrest by officer without warrant. …
I realize it will take a while for the policy and political implications of transportation administrative notice to take effect. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio For busy men such …
The arrest and criminal against another black ‘caught traveling” shows the dull evil of a system of city government accepted by the political classes, starting with Mayor Berke and …